The Power of Flosstube

Cross stitch is often considered a solitary crafting pursuit. As we approach winter, many might envision stitchers tucked away under a blanket, cozy on their stitching spot, sipping their favorite beverages, and counting their stitches. While this is the case for many stitchers, the advent of the internet and streaming video has changed the dynamic of stitching. I would argue that streaming video has created a resurgence of passion for cross stitch and modern embroidery.

With streaming video, you can interact with others outside of your home and often times across the country and oceans. In fact, YouTube has brought the idea of a sewing bee, quilter's circle, or stitching retreat right into your living room. Even saying, "into your living room" is an antiquated comparison as we can now watch and listen to our favorite stitchers on any smart phone or tablet in any location with a relatively reliable Wi-Fi connection. I am so glad that YouTube gives stitchers an opportunity to connect and to transcend national boundaries in our love of all things counted cross-stitch. For many cross stitchers, we head to YouTube to watch Flosstube episodes. For instance, just type in "Flosstube" on Youtube to see the hundreds of people making inspiring videos. You don't have to be alone as you stitch. Again you do not have to be alone. Do you need advice? Do you need help with specialty stitches? Do you want to see a flip through of the latest cross stitch magazine? Do you want to laugh or cry along with your favorite stitchers as they tell you about their week? Well, the range of channels is quite epic, and you can experience many of these things. You can listen and watch your favorite stitchers as if they are right next to you showing you their progress and talking about their FFOs (fully finished projects) or their WIPs (works in progress). Many videos are purely "Stitch with me" videos. You can sit in your favorite stitching spot and stitch along with your favorite Flosstubers for twenty minutes or even three hours.

Streaming video is connecting stitchers and inspiring viewers to pick up a needle and count those stitches. Are you new to the Flosstube phenomenon? You can see my Flosstube channel here . Happy stitching and creating. ~Amanda Mae


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